S04 E02: Empat Sekawan
LAUT LOUD (((~~~)))
LAUT LOUD (((~~~)))
Their performances last all night, more akin to a variety show than concert, with frequent song interruptions to deliver
witty jokes, risqué anecdotes, or perform acrobatics that seem to defy the laws of physics.
From the shorelines of Pare-Pare, the lush fields of Sidrap, to the mountains of Pinrang, their presence is awaited on every occasion. At each circumcision ceremony, wedding, or roof-raising ritual, it seems like no South Sulawesi party is complete without the arrival of Empat Sekawan.
Empat Sekawan’s charms are less known outside of South Sulawesi. This is hyper-local culture, with lyrics riffing on regional folklore, stories of village life, and ribald humor, accompanied by the kecapi, a home-made string instrument electrified to be blast from speaker horns at maximum decibels.
For Laut Loud in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, Empat Sekawan brought a more laid back & intimate performance, but still had the crew falling off their chairs. Don't start the party without them.