Kanvas Mutiny: Segara Gunung - Antaboga Tangi Turu, by Taring Pardi
Katharine Marchingo Katharine Marchingo

Kanvas Mutiny: Segara Gunung - Antaboga Tangi Turu, by Taring Pardi

Best known for their detailed banners and murals, Taring Padi also creates art carnivals, raucous folk music, street protests and ad-hoc political alliances with farming and fishing communities facing the effects of forced eviction, discrimination, and climate change.

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Kanvas Mutiny: Radiolaria by Swoon
Katharine Marchingo Katharine Marchingo

Kanvas Mutiny: Radiolaria by Swoon

Drawn from Swoon’s distinctive paper cut style, Radiolaria depicts ocean waves, micro skeletal sea creatures also known as radiolaria, and other sea creatures in various stages of life and decay.

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Lab of Sustainability & the Sea: Visit the Ship
Katharine Marchingo Katharine Marchingo

Lab of Sustainability & the Sea: Visit the Ship

Visitors are welcomed onboard Arka Kinari to peak behind the curtain and learn how Arka Kinari travels on the wind, makes electricity from the sun, desalinates water, manages food, and reduces waste.

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Kanvas Mutiny: The Art Sails
Katharine Marchingo Katharine Marchingo

Kanvas Mutiny: The Art Sails

A new life for the old sails, this collaboration is a curated exchange with lead artists from each continent to design and paint the original sails from Arka Kinari.

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Arka Kinari Port Performance: Subversive & Immersive

Arka Kinari Port Performance: Subversive & Immersive

Subversive, immersive and partially submerged, Arka Kinari enlivens the waterfront with a visually stunning and thought-provoking performance to bring people together in a world that is falling apart.

A strange ship has appeared on the waterfront, painted in evocative patterns, streaked with rust, and battered by storms. It came from a distant island somewhere in the Indo-Pacific, a place where rising seas have already made life on land impossible.

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Nova Filastine
Ethan Lock Ethan Lock

Nova Filastine

Just the musical duo, without the ship and its stories. Javanese neo-soul meets lofi bass-heavy electronica.

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