arka kinari performance


The maritime network was the original internet, mixing peoples, languages, and ideas. Arka Kinari revives disappearing trade-routes with culture as the cargo to bring people back to their waterfronts.

  • By day the 70-tonne sailing ship Arka Kinari hosts workshops on environmental sustainability and conversations with local communities.

    By night the vessel transforms into a stage for a free performance by Grey Filastine (Spain) and Nova Ruth (Indonesia), a multimedia duo who use their extraordinary music and cinematic visuals to help us imagine life after the carbon economy, promote resilience and re-engagement with the sea.

    The maritime network was the original internet, mixing peoples, languages, and ideas. Arka Kinari revives disappearing trade-routes with culture as the cargo to bring people back to their waterfronts.

  • Lead Artists: Nova Ruth & Grey Filastine

    A Creation Of: Grey Filastine & Nova Ruth Setyaningtyas

    Director: Ricard Soler Mallol

    Original Producers: Lintas Batas, Filastine & Nova

    Technical Directors: Adria Pinar, Victor Peralta

    Lighting Design: Adria Pinar, Victor Peralta, Ricard Soler Mallol, Sarah Payne

    Wardrobe Design: Ican Harem, Manda Selena, Victor Peralta, Mat Jacob


  • Bali, August 2024

    OHM Festival, Brisbane, Australia, March 2024

    Sydney Festival, Sydney, Australia, February 2024

    Mona Foma, Hobart, Australia, January 2024

  • MONA



  • We will request that the following recommendations are made to audiences attending our shows:

    • travel by public transport to the performance

    • do not bring single use plastics


    Ten test performances, in twenty nations and thirty thousand nautical miles with nearly zero emissions.


    Making gigs in unlikely places from mega-cities to stilt villages. Making waves with workshops on renewable energies and sailing skills. Making an example of life beyond fossil fuels.

    2024 OCEANIA

    Australia from the tropics to Tasmania, followed by Timor Leste, and a final route through the Nusantara archipelago.


    Riding the tradewinds to India, the Arabian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Reversing colonialism, this ship comes from the east and comes to share.

  • International Tour

    Katharine Marchingo


  • sydney morning herald

    “A remarkable and unusual meditation on the climate emergency, performed at the docks on the very boat the artists used to sail to the festival from Indonesia"

  • national geographic

    "The deck transforms into multiple stages. Nova kicks things off, incarnating the goddess of the Southern Ocean, her ethereal song of Javanese poetry carrying into the night. Grey joins on percussion, his face draped in sequin cloth. They’re silhouetted against the sail, now doubling as a projection screen, displaying cinematic visuals which imagine a future after the seas have risen"

  • the guardian

    "A declaration to the world’s musicians: it is possible to tour in an eco-friendly way"

  • abc

    “While living in a borderless environment is one reason the pair chose to live and work on the Arka Kinari, another is their environmental impact as musicians”

  • El Diario

    "Nada en el periplo del Arka Kinari es remotamente parecido a una gira de conciertos tal y como la imaginamos"


    “Arka Kinari angkat jangkar, menciptakan epos baru soal hidup di lautan"