We started out as artists..after fifty thousand nautical miles and nearly as many adventures, we might even be able to call ourselves: sailors.
— Nova Ruth, Artivism At Sea Live Documentary Performance

how to becomE one of our “anchors”

Presenting partners are our “anchors” that connect us to land, at least for some time.

This page contains our full program offering, detailed information for our signature works, as well as a rough outline of our upcoming tour dates and key locations and a map that shows our ideal route for 2026 onward. We offer a range of off-board programming also, so if you live somewhere that a ship can’t reach we are open to finding another way there.

Arka Kinari will be in our home waters of Indonesia conducting a range of performances, workshops, residencies, conferences and activities in Southeast Asia throughout 2025. During this time, we will be inviting international artists and researchers onboard for residencies as well as presenting exhibitions and performances internationally.

From January 2026, Arka Kinari will sail across the Indian Ocean towards Sri Lanka, India and further on to the Arab Region and Mediterranean. Our tours are a true collaboration with land, sea and sky - as well as, of course - international borders, arts festivals, organisations, funding partners and local communities.

Southeast Asia [June - December, 2025]
Indonesia (Flores, Subawa, Lombok, Bali, Java, Borneo, Riau)
Malaysia (Johor Bahru, Melaka, Port Klang, Pangkor, Georgetown)
Thailand (Phuket, Ko Panyi)

South Asia [January - February, 2026]
Sri Lanka (Galle, Colombo, or Trincomalee)
India (Kochi, Goa)

Arab Region [April - May, 2026]
UAE (Abu Dhabi or Sharjah)
Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)
Jordan (Aqaba)
Egypt (Sinai
peninsula or Suez)

Eastern Mediterranean [June - October, 2026]

summary of available works for touring

  • Arka Kinari Performance

    Our main offering. Subversive, immersive and partially submerged, the Arka Kinari performance is staged from the deck of the ship for an audience on the waterfront. Featuring live music, large-scale video mapping, and even larger ideas, the show is also technically autonomous: the sound, video & lighting are carried by Arka Kinari, and powered by renewable energy. Appropriate for all audiences. Duration: 60 minutes, anytime after sunset.

    Project Dossier

    Technical Rider

    Artivism at Sea | Live Documentary Performance

    Live documentary performance combining video, music and story. 60 minutes, with an optional post-show Q&A. For seated venues. [narrated options: English, Spanish or Indonesian.]

    Project Dossier & Technical Rider

    Video of Performance

    Nova Filastine

    Just the musical duo, without the ship and its stories. Javanese neo-soul meets lofi bass-heavy electronica.

    Filastine DJ Set

    A danceable mix of atmospheric trap & future bass with Turkish psychedelia and rare pan-tropical gems.

    Link to Spotify Artist Page

    Artivism at Sea 360* XR Documentary + Performance

    60 minute dome based documentary available with live performance or standalone AV work. Requires full-dome projection facilities. [narrated in English]

    Full Performance Video [Montreal, Canada]

  • Kanvas Mutiny - Taring Pardi, "Segara Gunung - Antaboga Tangi Turu" [2024]

    From the mountain to the sea - Antaboga (the dragon that connects humans to the creator of the universe) is waking up. Large canvas sail, Requires rigging, Dimensions: 13m x 6.5m x 10.5m

    Kanvas Mutiny - Swoon, “Radiolaria” [2024]

    Radiolaria depicts ocean waves, micro skeletal sea creatures also known as radiolaria, and other sea creatures. Large canvas sail, Requires rigging, Dimensions: 14.5m x 15m x 5m

    Laut Loud - Various Artists, [2023-2025]

    Video-Art series of concerts filmed on board from underground, avant-garde and traditional musicians. Various length options available. Full series 5 hours.

    Artivism at Sea 360 Live Documentary XR Screening [2023]

    Documentary produced and filmed on board by Welsh company 4PI. 20 minutes, dome projection. [English, Indonesian]

  • Kanvas Mutiny

    A new life for the old sails, this collaboration is a curated exchange with lead artists from each continent to design and paint the original sails from Arka Kinari. Upcoming: South America, Australia, Europe, Africa.

    Laut Loud

    A Floating Archive of New & Old Musics, wherever we sail, we seek out local underground, avant-guard and traditional musicians to join the Laut Loud archive.

  • Labratory of Sustainability and the Sea

    Visitors are welcomed onboard Arka Kinari to peak behind the curtain and learn how Arka Kinari travels on the wind, makes electricity from the sun, desalinates water, manages food, and reduces waste.

    Artist Residencies

    Our way of sharing our knowledge and exchanging skills with artists is to host responsive and flexible residencies throughout our journey.